1 Hour Traditional Christian Hymns | Old Fashioned Christian Songs (FWBC)

1 year ago

00:00 - 02:31 Shall We Gather at the River
02:32 - 04:30 Ring the Bells of Heaven
04:31 - 08:22 The Haven of Rest
08:23 - 12:28 Master, the Tempest Is Raging
12:29 - 16:23 He Hideth My Soul
16:24 - 19:23 Christ Returneth
19:24 - 21:23 The Solid Rock
21:24 - 24:32 No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus
24:33 - 27:27 The Name of Jesus
27:28 - 30:02 My Jesus, I Love Thee
30:08 - 32:50 ’Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus
32:53 - 35:22 At the Cross
35:28 - 37:12 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
37:17 - 40:14 He Leadeth Me
40:18 - 42:33 Meet Me There
42:39 - 45:11 We Shall Shine as the Stars
45:16 - 48:04 Remembering in Heaven
48:10 - 51:03 Some Golden Daybreak
51:08 - 53:35 On Jordan's Stormy Banks
54:00 - 56:25 Just When I Need Him Most
56:31 - 59:51 - Some Time We’ll Understand
59:06 - 01:04:01 Does Jesus Care?
01:04:06 - 01:07:42 God Leads Us Along

➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church (faithfulwordbaptist.org) [non-copyrighted].

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