Episode 24 Bryan "Bam" Marshall United States Marine

1 year ago

Years of Service: 2004-2012
Bryan began his career with the United States Marine Corps in 2004. During his 8 years with the Marines, Bryan became a Crew Chief, Assistant Section Leader, and Platoon Sergeant all the while learning valuable skills to include direct offensive and defensive engagement tactics with enemy forces, operating and managing live fire weapons ranges, and supervising the security of $50 million dollars in sensitive equipment. These skills help him through 2 tours in Iraq and ultimately lead to contract jobs protecting the Ambassador and staff of the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.

In 2014, Bryan founded an organization called Wishes for Warriors that specializes in bringing back hope to disabled combat veterans through outdoor adventures and training, and events involving family and other veterans. During this time, Bryan came to realize that law enforcement officers often suffer from traumatic stress that has an emotional toll away from the job, and has started to offer the same types of help to law enforcement that his organization gives to combat veterans.

855-W4W-HERO (949-4376)

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