Hollywood Mind-polution bringing us CLOSER to end of society (Feminism turned Natalie Portman crazy skank)

1 year ago

Rated: R (Adults only). Mind-pollution is rising, bringing us CLOSER to end of society. For this expose', I bring fitting crazy clips off social media, and my wise commentary.

I will focus on actress Natalie Portman as an extreme example of the over sexualization of US culture. She went from girl role-model royalty to trashy skank. We'll look into why this happened, and if she's just gone crazy. I say our society as a whole has gone crazy, and that Hollywood trash is part of why.

I refer to Natalie's roles, like the movie CLOSER where she plays a stripper. That's not really the problem; or nudity. I think can nudity & sexual situations can be presented tastefully. But... Natalie didn't even do nudity in this movie. She did worse.

Do people degrade women, or are women degrading themselves?
Maybe men see women as 'sex objects' because women present themselves that way so much.

One 3rd into the video, feminism rears it's ugly head. And 2 politicians come up. One being Lauren Bobert as an example of MORE WOMEN IN GOVERNMENT WILL SAVE THE WORLD.

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