Neon Exegesis: End of Evangelion pt 2

11 months ago

Ferreal ferreal the END of Evangelion, finally! All of the existentialism, philosophy, theology, Christianity, and plot, all wrapped up into a coherent end! Well, if you have a Virgil like me to point the way. I hope I made any sense, I was obv drunk for the whole thing. But damn, it was at least a decade since I'd seen this series, and the whole time watching the TV show (episodes 1-26) I was waiting, and waiting and waiting, for all of these revelations to come about, dancing around giving away the plot and the meaning to Neon Genesis and accidentally Theology of the Body, because I couldn't remember how/when/where/why I learned what I knew of the story and symbolism of this anime. But sweet Lord, it's good!! So worth it. Albert Camus *and* Pope John Paul II would be proud of this! In the end: Hell is other people. And yet, the trinity is 3 persons rather than one, because 1 is the loneliest number, and God is love, and love wants to be shared. Thus, the Holy Trinity Creates the universe. A-MAZIN'!

Also the 4-part remake SUCKED. Totally lacking the emotional punch and intellectual meaning. OK, there's one good sequence with Rei learning to farm and then being remote detonated, that was some heavy shit. But the rest of it was all action, no depth, wtf Hideaki Anno?

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