Dr. O’s Imagine Armageddon

1 year ago

Dr. O’s Imagine Armageddon

‪imagine armageddon...its ez if you try‬
‪hells all around us...above us chemtrail skies‬
‪imagine all vaxd people dying suddenly...AHHHH...‬

‪imagine there's no borders...‬
‪it isn't hard to do...‬
‪invaders kill & die for...false religious views...‬
‪imagine all the people ...blown in to pieces..boohoooo‬

‪you may say I'm a dreamer..but Im not the only one..I hope someday you'll find Jesus or we all could die as one‬

‪imagine no possessions.. ‬
‪i wonder if demons can‬
‪no evil greed or hunger...‬
‪love one another man..‬

‪imagine all the people sharing one mass grave boohooo‬

‪you may say I'm a dreamer..but Im not the only one..‬
‪I hope someday you'll find Jesus or we all could die as one‬

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