65 yrs old-PULLUPS 11r 🎥 THURSDAY NOV 60 2nd total bodyweight pullups today

1 year ago

65 yrs old-PULLUPS 11r 🎥
THURSDAY NOV 60 2nd total bodyweight pullups today
2nd Lets see what I can do
warmups prime the shoulders with
MILITARY Press 5 sets 10r starting 65lbs to 105lbs (2 sets 95)
PULL-UPS 3 sets 6r 🎥(18r)
MILITARY Press 125x5r, 135x5r 🎥, 137.5x6r🎥, 137.5x4r 🎥
145x4r 🎥
PULL_UPS 10r 🎥,10r, 11r🎥, 11r 🎥
LOW INCLINE BENCH 155+165x5 each, 175x5r,
185+195x5r each 🎥, 205x4r 🎥
I serve the GOD of Heaven NOT the FOOL Below
#pullups, #over60strength, #backtraining, #hormegym, #over60fitness, #65yroldstrength, #deadlifts

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