Scariest President Ever | 10/31/23

1 year ago

Celebrating the scariest Halloween! Israel draws a line in the sand. Joe Biden is too old for Halloween. The White House wants to direct the trajectory of artificial intelligence. President Biden explains AI to us simpletons. What do the latest polls say about the 2024 Republican presidential candidates in Iowa? 1,000 people who identify as dogs and they’re all meeting in one special city. Deodorant sales are through the roof! But why? FBI employees break the rules and usually just get a slap on the wrist. Does law enforcement have the security code to enter your house? There was almost another mass shooting in America yesterday. How much sugar are we eating in Halloween candy?

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00:00:00 Happy Halloween!
00:17:50 Israel Draws a Line
00:32:30 Fun at the White House Yesterday
00:41:18 Latest Presidential Polls
00:48:15 Formerly Known as Tweets
00:50:58 Identifying as Dogs
01:08:34 Deodorant Sales on the Rise
01:12:16 FBI Misconduct
01:28:58 Failed Mass Shooting
01:31:54 How Much Sugar Are We Eating?

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