hi i was recording "stone set stone" and "rock'n'roll saved me" [recording vlog]

1 year ago

:00 warm snow insulates numb lost wanderers outro
:08 stone set stone record preview
4:27 rock'n'roll saved me record preview
6:41 warm snow insulates numb lost wanderers outro

into and outro song "warm snow insulates numb lost wanderers"
is from a soundtrack music thing I keep adding to. I think I have hundreds of hours (do I!?) of audio soundtrack stuff but I don't want to misrepresent releasing it properly.
Actually I want to just connect with doing sound scores but I dont KNOW ANY networking "GET INS" and its all bout bribery or, that kinda "industry!" stuff. vomits.
I'll release it in series if Im ever able, as sound albums, iunno.

///guitar here is Epiphone EJ-200SCE. S=solid (top) C (cutaway) E (electronics)
Using any extra cash soon enough to put D'addario XS Meds onto.

Ladies and gentlemen I have my check engine light off now.

07/19/2019 are the Stone Set Stone original file sessions.
Like a life time collage I keep adding to certain sessions when time is available. so stuff is released that way. Sometimes recorded in a week or few days, sometimes grabbing into sound archives in this example. I want to "finish out" things so obviously I'd add percussion layers to these if I ever get time in my life to do so.
I think I had 8 takes of stone set stone then rock n roll saved my life was one.

Not sure if intriguing or infurating but the time distance between layering songs does offer different perspectives of playing or taste in what to do in certain things.

spotify is https://open.spotify.com/artist/0kBvq9fPHQivusr4ZjdAiG
somehow i had a huge (to me) jump in listeners the last month, not sure how or from where but thanks.
main site is https://www.lomemarsupial.com


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