TheDimStream LIVE! Showgirls (1995) | Striptease (1996) | Magic Mike (2012)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Chatting about "Showgirls," "Striptease," and "Magic Mike." After my strip club adventures, stripper movies seemed apropos!

thrasybulus After @TheDimstick had her tragic stripper pole accident head injury she is reliving the trauma movie after movie.

jbsx yea, I heard about the Chicago experience
thrasybulus Halloween has passed, only so much time for Thanksgiving themed movies before moving onto Winter Holiday of various religions themed ones. Not a lot of appropriate Saturnalia (Feast of Saturn) movies.
thrasybulus Festival of Saturn, sorry, my mistake.
thrasybulus Saturn is the Roman name for Cronos, father of Zeus.

RonGreen1 🚨 BREAKING NEWS 🚨 For the week following Halloween, chocolate is classified as a vegetable.
thrasybulus Veteran's Day is also Armistice Day and Marines are hungover from the MC Birthday Ball last night day.

jbsx fronbt half or back half?

RonGreen1 My favorite Halloween movie is Halloween.
thrasybulus @L was playing Five Nights at Freddy's for her Hallween Stream the other night among others.

MudderFetcher Magic Mike 4: Michelle Obama and the Dong of Destiny

jbsx bonus

RonGreen1 Go to a hole in the wall Mexican restaurant and you can get beef tongue tacos.

MudderFetcher lingua is fantastic
thrasybulus Channing Tatum only appeals to women. Men don't care when he tries to do action.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User

wesley1924 Supporter+ I was told there would be punch & pie... and also strippers
thrasybulus If it's not on rumble it doesn't exist.

RonGreen1 Isn't there a Quinton Tarantino movie about vampire strippers?
thrasybulus @RG From Dusk Til Dawn?

RonGreen1 I think that's the one.

wesley1924 Supporter+ Surprised they haven't shut their servers down yet.
zimvooza :r+radiatingheart:
thrasybulus Showgirls is proof that some movies can't be improved by adding lots of naked women, because it already has them.
OakPoke dusk till dawn was terrible lmao... saw it as a minor. nudity was ok but terrible movie
OakPoke Said "Padre" a million times in Dusk till dawn.
thrasybulus Kyle Mclaughlin?
thrasybulus Hate fucking is a thing.
OakPoke Rubix Cube?
thrasybulus Noami does seem to fit in a trailer park doesn't she?

Guyinroom83 oh man. I thought it was 1BR night
thrasybulus Class distinctions in sex work.
OakPoke Did Cathy Reisenwicz make it?

Guyinroom83 i've heard a lot of strippers do prostitute themselves on the side. well, from some podcast anyway
thrasybulus I've had a stripper tell me if I'd pay for the lapdance she would make sure I came.

Guyinroom83 @thrasybulus that made me wonder. would far leftists 'hate fuck' MAGA people?

wesley1924 Supporter+ I'm aroused right now.

wesley1924 Supporter+ Does that make Alex a sex worker?

Guyinroom83 don't ask that again, winky will show up.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator intent, not effect

Guyinroom83 i think if you're trying to make guys cum, yes, IMO
thrasybulus Lots of models don't think of themselves as sex workers yet there work product is the masterbatory material for lots of their audience.

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey, really late tonight

Guyinroom83 we need to normalize elderly strippers. enough ageism. normalize 60+ strip clubs.
thrasybulus There's some comedy about guys in LA pretending to cast for a movie to get laid. Cattle Call

JQuickDraw Supporter models are proxy sex workers

JQuickDraw Supporter The Accidental Sex Worker lol

RonGreen1 🎶Alex is too sexy for her shirt.🎶
thrasybulus Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue used to be considered a great achievement in a model's career. No other purpose than masterbatory.

Guyinroom83 i dont think that makes them 'sex workers' the definition can't be that broad imo

Guyinroom83 the swimsuit to 'smut' pipeline

JQuickDraw Supporter Showgirls is one of my spirit animals, so I am okay with you thinking of me when the movie is mentioned.

wesley1924 Supporter+ I've got a pipeline for you


jbsx go to 2 mins in

Guyinroom83 smut pipelines are quite clogged, don't get stuck in one
thrasybulus Male porn performers have to have a form of skill that female performers don't. Very few men can be porn stars with any career longevity. Fewer in # per year as impact players in the NBA draft.

wesley1924 Supporter+ I masturbate when I'm horny. I watch porn when I'm lonely 😥

jbsx models

jbsx miami

Guyinroom83 biden bombed the nordstream smut pipeline

Guyinroom83 a pool of stds

JQuickDraw Supporter I like to splice clowns making balloon animals into porn scenes, then I leave the video for a year so I forget what I did. Boy what a surprise I get during my sexy time.
thrasybulus This is how Johnny and Susie Rottencrotch meet in the groin.

Guyinroom83 has Erl heard of 'lesbian bed death'?

Guyinroom83 (that sounds like a possible horror movie title)

JQuickDraw Supporter I like it as a band name.

JQuickDraw Supporter But it flows better as "Lesbian Death Bed"

Guyinroom83 lesbian bed death metal

Guyinroom83 it's just lesbians yelling about not getting any

RonGreen1 The lesbian couples I usually see are fat and not very attractive.

JQuickDraw Supporter Pornhub disagrees with you lol

Guyinroom83 ugh. time changes.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Time to fill my pussy with meat!"
thrasybulus Filth Fiilth Filth.

Guyinroom83 lol no, i was describing lesbian bed death metal

Guyinroom83 'lesbian bed death' is that lesbians quit having sex when they move in with each other

JQuickDraw Supporter Well with lesbians, they are too tired from all the beatings to keep having sex.
thrasybulus Isn't there a joke about how lesbians move in on a second date?

Guyinroom83 i was under the impression that it happens soon, so sooner than straight couples

Guyinroom83 maybe bc their cycles sync up?? does that makes a super cycle if enough women 'sync' periods up?

Guyinroom83 could this be a superhero group? the synced up period women?

JQuickDraw Supporter If too many women sync up, it could cause the building to collapse, like when troops are marching across a bridge and their synced footsteps create larger and larger vibrations.

Guyinroom83 i wonder if science experiments happened that tested what happens when X amount of women sync up period cycles...

Guyinroom83 @JQuick lol

Guyinroom83 'quick! sync periods!' - the menstrual-vengers, an all woman superhero group

RonGreen1 I think some women are lesbians because they were sexually molested by men when they were younger, and get more emotional support from another woman.
thrasybulus Women control access to sex, men control access to relationships.

JQuickDraw Supporter emotional support? Would that be before or after the domestic violence?

JQuickDraw Supporter I've said it a lot, but it bears repeating. Humans are monogamous only long enough to have and raise kids to adulthood. After that, they grow apart.
thrasybulus There is some data on the length of marriages that indicates we have reverted to the historic norm. Just now people get divorced instead of dying.

Guyinroom83 i like my violence Domestic. Not imported.

JQuickDraw Supporter I can't stand when people on the right use their own marriages as examples of how to do it. Hello, you're not successful yet, genius. You would have to stay married to old age and die married.

Guyinroom83 i disagree, Erl. If we get enough women in a room together and their cycles all sync... we could change the world. Men haven't allowed it yet, the possibilities are endless.

Guyinroom83 @JQuick great point.
thrasybulus Women who perform large amounts of physical activity can overtrain/underrecover and not get their period.

Guyinroom83 would you rather see a minstrel show or a menstrual show?

JQuickDraw Supporter A menstrual show would be a bloody good time.

Guyinroom83 maybe they'd do 'red face'

JQuickDraw Supporter They could do a show about communism and call it "The Red Scare."

wesley1924 Supporter+ What is IBF?

JQuickDraw Supporter IVF
thrasybulus The Menstrualvengers arch nemesis would have animals that would smell the blood and attack.

JQuickDraw Supporter In Vitro Fertilization

Guyinroom83 dropping all their eggs in one basket

JQuickDraw Supporter I imagine the Mestrualvengers would face off against The Patriarch, a stern man who always has the upper hand (the better to slap them) because of his privilege.

Guyinroom83 lol
thrasybulus There's a fair number of twins where one dies in the womb.

Guyinroom83 'smash the patriarch'

Guyinroom83 or 'patriarch smash' could be a move they do

JQuickDraw Supporter lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Aaaawwww Yeah

JQuickDraw Supporter I think there are genetic (evolutionary) and environmental factors. From an evolutionary standpoint, a man in his 40s may still have an inborn desire to procreate, to keep spreading hsi seed.
thrasybulus Watch out for the Patriarh's Sharks, they smell the blood.

Guyinroom83 oh no, not the terrible tampons! :tampon shaped monster enemies lined up:menstrual vengers assemble!

RonGreen1 That's why God created fishing and quilting parties.

h8yourst8 Supporter period > oxford comma

wesley1924 Supporter+ Interspecies Reviewers

Guyinroom83 man good point about evolution and marriage length. reminds me of so many divorces over covid/lockdowns. it wasn't natural for us to be around each other like that

Guyinroom83 we really haven't changed since cavemen times imo. people just keep wanting to pretend we have

Guyinroom83 patriach SMASH!! :triple damage!:
thrasybulus Like two three years ago I saw something about how Zachary Tyler's grandson was still alive because his father and grandfather had both had a son late in life, like their 70s.

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh you mean the president lol. At first, I thought you meant that kid on Home Improvement.

JQuickDraw Supporter Fantasy Football? So there are wizards and dragons on the field? cool

Guyinroom83 president jon taylor thomas?

wesley1924 Supporter+ Extermination is a short term solution. There will be more.
thrasybulus Sex work is a safety valve that protects many women from the worst of poverty. It is also likely the most dangerous occupation for women.

Guyinroom83 yeah it was kind of a test for a marriage
thrasybulus Zachary Tyler left office in like 1845.

Guyinroom83 plus, sex work prob causes addiction bc of the fact they're fucking dudes they don't want to.
thrasybulus @guyinroom There is also likely the reverse. Women whose addiction leads them to sex work for the money/drugs.

RonGreen1 The sex business is a very violent business. The girls have to produce X amount of money per day, or they get a beating.

Guyinroom83 no. no one is just bad. it's the system. or the guns. or anything else idk but not them.
thrasybulus Least gov't necessary.

Guyinroom83 no Ron. sex work is empowering.

JQuickDraw Supporter Prostitution is a safety valve for SOCIETY. It's becoming like Brave New World, with soma and sex on request. Porn, drugs, gambling, etc., they all allow people to forget the world around them.

JQuickDraw Supporter a steam valve on a pressure cooker

Guyinroom83 it definitely is, but also fahrenheit 411, or clockwork orange with all the extremely violent israel/palestine videos on social media.

Guyinroom83 did you accidentally watch a long directors cut?

RonGreen1 Try to be an independent sex worker in someone's territory, and you will also get a beating.

wesley1924 Supporter+ Those girls are trying
thrasybulus Striptease is not Demi Moore's sexiest role. Just least clothed one.
thrasybulus Guys enjoy Showgirls more than Striptease.

JQuickDraw Supporter I prefer to not watch either.

JQuickDraw Supporter Goddamn, Beverly

JQuickDraw Supporter Put that quote on the DVD cover: 'What an ugly child! I prefer not to look at it."
thrasybulus More boobs + sex > Less boobs + sex

JQuickDraw Supporter I liked the Asian and Urban versions better - Shoguns and Sho-nuff
thrasybulus Disclosure

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Siobhan.
thrasybulus She-bahn

JQuickDraw Supporter Psilocybin?

JQuickDraw Supporter Chevon?

JQuickDraw Supporter Go-eth-ee
thrasybulus Murder-suicide is a good way to kill two people without the cops needing to investigate that closely. Nicely tied up and good for the stats.
thrasybulus Right ring finger is supposed to be widow(er).
thrasybulus Murder-suicide makes sense if you are trying to kill off "lovers".
thrasybulus The sexy costume is all the storytelling men need.

JQuickDraw Supporter When a man grinds on me, I just give him a thumbs up and a knowing nod. Cuz you know, patriarchy.
thrasybulus When a man grinds for me, it means he's doing metalwork.

Guyinroom83 you're looking like a patriarchy tonight, cuz im gonna smash you

JQuickDraw Supporter "Arch your back more." "Don't you mean, patri-arch my back?" *thumbs up*
thrasybulus The Hulk is the embodiment of Patriarchy. He smashes, and he's a genius, but not both at the same time.

Guyinroom83 good point. a good Patriarch knows the difference

Guyinroom83 'i dont always smash, but when I do, it's the patriarchy' - dos equis going woke
thrasybulus Regular cash deposits of ones and twenties with the occasional five.
thrasybulus ATM Machine is a porn title.

Guyinroom83 I didn't realize the redundancy of 'atm machine' until an aqua teen episode where an alien says how stupid it is

JQuickDraw Supporter I's got to axe you a question

Guyinroom83 feed me a stray cat

JQuickDraw Supporter am not - ain't or amn't?
thrasybulus A bonus hole.

Guyinroom83 yeah, atm machine reminded me of it

Guyinroom83 'everyone loves another hole' - Erl's tombstone

Guyinroom83 same. im always envious of very driven people

JQuickDraw Supporter Birthing persons' front holes represent a whole nother hole.
thrasybulus The work hard, play hard lifestyle is just a way of saying, unsustainably burning the candle at both ends.

Guyinroom83 i can't remember which venom movie, but his love interest was very unlikeable to me (michelle williams)

Guyinroom83 ive known several guys who's girlfriend/wife disliked or put down the stuff they were into. very irritating.
thrasybulus You can't just imdb someone before you badmouth their career?

JQuickDraw Supporter SSN Number

Guyinroom83 lol

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Fun Fact: When Harry S. Truman left political office, he was virtually destitute. Welfare was put into place partially to help him, and he was issued the very first SSN.

Guyinroom83 ill gonna burn my candle on both of your ends, girl

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Another Fun Fact: The "S" in Harry S. Truman doesn't stand for anything. It's just an initial.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Sorry, not welfare. Retirement.

Guyinroom83 a lot of women act like they don't respect their man. maybe the fault of sitcoms with the dumb husbands

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ @Guy, they do that to entice women. Women like to watch women getting stuff over on men.

Guyinroom83 @Chicago wow, did not know that. Maybe it's shit, or something embarassing he never told

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ And not looking stupid themselves.

Guyinroom83 or 'Sue'
thrasybulus Harry Truman leaves office in 1953. Social Security is part of the New Deal from FDR's first term 1933-37.

Guyinroom83 Channing Taintum

Guyinroom83 Taintcum

Guyinroom83 men have become the wives now. cooking, cleaning even. my brothers wife doesn't know how to do either
thrasybulus It used to be the President could exempt you from income on a specific source. Truman did it for Eisenhower's book. It sold so many copies, congress made it illegal. So Eisenhower couldn't for Truman.

Guyinroom83 aw my widdle retard husband

JQuickDraw Supporter I figured out cooking and cleaning and other shit on my own. Gen X latch key kid here, so it was either learn or suffer.

Guyinroom83 i agree with splitting stuff. that's more how I am. if someone is more into cooking they should probably cook more then too

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Seriously. Women refuse to cook and clean because they see it as being demeaning. Meanwhile, men cook and clean for themselves all the time. It's a "bare minimum", as they say.

JQuickDraw Supporter Cars are a strange thing now. Modern cars are a lot different from when I was young. Without a computer and the software to read the codes from the onboard computer, you can't fix them.

Guyinroom83 yeah, cars, and many appliances period now, are absolutely un fixable bc of that. it's horrible and idk why consumer protection laws haven't prevented that

Guyinroom83 im not into cooking. i can do very basic stuff but rarely

Guyinroom83 my brothers very into it

JQuickDraw Supporter I recently needed a new toaster oven, and got a completely analog one. The timers are like a watch that you wind, they run without electricity.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Hey, I just bought dino nuggies for myself a couple weeks ago - and it was a treat.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ As an adult, I consider baked potatoes to be an extravagance.
thrasybulus I'm at the point where I only want handcrank windows for my car. No more spending hundreds to replace a single motor in a window.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ But, "Leftovers" are considered to be a real food group for me.

JQuickDraw Supporter Cooking when busy is not so bad when you make large cuts of meat in the slow cooker. It lasts for several days.

Guyinroom83 I drive foot-crank vehicles

Guyinroom83 and dino powered appliances

JQuickDraw Supporter Planned obsolescence and everything-as-a-service (rent over own) are both very real, and slowly being forced on the populace.

Guyinroom83 yep

Guyinroom83 that can't be true bc they took down that video on the wef website!

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Bev needs one of us to mansplain to her how to get her camera to focus.

Guyinroom83 yeah, apple was caught doing that
thrasybulus Hermann Wely, one of the greatest of present-day physicists, the companion and continuer of the work of Einstein, is in the habit of saying in conversation that if ten or twelve specified individuals
thrasybulus were to die suddenly, it is almost certain that the marvels of physics to-day would be lost for ever to humanity. - José Ortega y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses

Guyinroom83 i switched from apple. ill never use iphone again

JQuickDraw Supporter Not completely, as long as the best scientists publish all their works, future people with enough intellect and curiosity will have the written blueprints.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I tried to get a landline again a couple years back. Just plain no one is even offering that service anymore.

Guyinroom83 wow

Guyinroom83 i discovered i had 2 OTHER phone lines on my t mobile bill recently that I had no clue about that I was paying for

JQuickDraw Supporter Funny, about a decade ago, I was trying to get just internet, and the company was trying hard to sell the landline and internet as a package.

Guyinroom83 they didn't even know how or why they were on there

JQuickDraw Supporter Now, I don't have a landline and I don't have cable. I have internet and one phone.

Guyinroom83 irregular is one of my fav terms. i only see it when seeing clothing sizes though

Guyinroom83 'irregular sized'

Guyinroom83 you will own nothing and you WILL be happy. (or else)

Guyinroom83 they weren't that much. like an extra $7 a month

Guyinroom83 and the bill was basically the same I was before I had that plan. it was just weird

JQuickDraw Supporter I think everything should be digitized, and a method of making data permanent developed. All knowledge should be indexed and searchable, centuries of it. And I mean more than ancient Greek porn lol.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

JQuickDraw Supporter We'll be talking about Ukraine. Hahaha just kidding. Ukraine is old news now.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

JQuickDraw Supporter Spray us down with your links, Beverly

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