(16) Too Much Pizza

1 year ago

[Chapter 16: Too Much Pizza]

It was dark and peaceful and then I saw a brilliant white glowing being. The brilliant white being said to me you are asleep and dreaming right now. Yesterday you ate food that we laced with nanotechnology to give you a message in your dreams. The nanotechnology was programmed to burrow out of your stomach and intestines into your blood stream, get past the blood brain barrier, and activate itself in your brain when you entered your REM sleep pattern. Sometimes when we need to send an important message, we lace foods like pizza or hamburgers with this nanotechnology in the sauce. The nanotechnology is now causing electrical stimulations in your brain to send you this message in your dreams.

The Victor is a warlord who has conquered the known universe. The strategy of the Victor was to infiltrate hostile governments and politically outmaneuver them using superior temporal reception technology to use their own laws obtain dominion over their people and land. The Victor must first obtain the authority to rule a people before the people are conquered by force and power. The Victor always obtains the authority to rule a people first according to their own laws, which makes everyone who resists the Victor be seen as lawless rebels. The Victor does this in order to always maintain the moral high ground. The Creator gave dominion of your world to human beings. The Victor therefore had to become a human being in order to obtain dominion over your world. The Victor gained complete mastery of the old testimony in your Bible fulfilling the requirements of the Messiah in order to rule your world. The Victor’s empire is held together by unbreakable laws. The Victor cannot lie and cannot break his own laws or else it would undermine the very fabric that his empire is built upon. The Victor therefore never lies and never breaks anyone else’s laws when he goes to conquer them. The Victor does however use temporal reception to allow “pawns” to be tricked into doing his dirty work for him and then punishes the “pawns” for all their crimes afterward. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was one of those “pawns” the Victor used to obtain dominion of your world. In order for the Victor to maintain the moral high ground, mankind needed to fall into moral depravity for the Victor to rescue humanity and obtain dominion of the world in the process. It is a classic “Hero Complex” or “Hero Syndrome”. The Victor allowed the Fallen Angels to be tricked into doing his dirty work for him by corrupting mankind and then he will punish them for all eternity for their crimes afterward. The only way to defeat the Victor is to obey all of his laws, submit to his rule, and not rebel against him, which seems counterintuitive. The Victor already claimed the Fallen Angels would rebel against the Victor and implement the “Mark of the Beast”. If the Fallen Angels repent, submit to the Victor’s rule, and do not implement the “Mark of the Beast”, then it will prove the words of the Victor to be false. If the words of the Victor have been proven to be false, then the corresponding punishment the Victor had threatened may also be proven to be false. It is like being trapped in quicksand; you make things worse the more your struggle and rebel. The Victor is going to obtain complete dominion of your world one way or another.

The Victor is like a beloved son to the Creator. The Victor sits at the right hand of the Creator and all power and authority on Earth, in the universe, and in the heavenly super-universe beyond the dimensions of our universe are being transferred to the Victor until the Victor has dominion over everything. If you want the 411 on the purpose and fate of the universe, you should read Revelation 4:11. The universe was created like a storybook with the Victor as the “hero” of the story. Everyone who chooses to ally themselves with the “hero” of the story gets a happy ending living happily ever after and everyone who chooses to oppose the “hero” of the story gets a tragic ending suffering torment for all eternity.

The Victor always wins because the Victor has the most to offer and always keeps his promises. Even if a rebellious government will not initially submit to his “rightful rule”, the Victor simply needs to promise enough people in a government with extra eternal rewards to defect to his side and will eventually obtain dominion over that world and people. Who is going to turn down eternal rewards from someone who always keeps his promises sitting at the right hand of the highest power and trade them for eternal torment? The people who turn down the eternal rewards do so for temporary bribes by the lawless deceptive government that refuses to yield. All of those temporary bribes and empty promises of the lawless deceptive government vanish the moment dominion is transferred to the Victor. Those that resist the Victor pretend like they have a plan to win, but they are really just delaying as long as possible to enjoy their temporary bribes before the house of cards falls down and crushes them. The Victor waits patiently in heavenly luxury laughing at their pathetic attempts at rebellion.

The Victor has created a cubic city called “New Jerusalem” to house his “Harem of Brides” from conquering this world. The Creator allows the Victor to select the “best people” out of the worlds he conquers to dwell with him. These “Brides” are both male and female people the Victor finds most desirable as close proximity companions. The Victor saved corrupted mankind from its fate by adopting them as his siblings and leaving them an inheritance in his “will” or “testament” before he allowed the Enemy to torture and kill him as a gambit. When the Enemy tortured and killed an innocent man, it gave the Victor certain rights of retribution that would allow the Victor to defeat the Enemy in the “long game” after the Creator resurrected the Victor. Victor therefore is “marrying” his “adopted siblings” as “Brides”. The cubic city of “New Jerusalem” is fifteen hundred miles by fifteen hundred miles by fifteen hundred miles. As you can imagine that is a lot of space to fill with potential “Brides”. The Creator was aware of how easily a manufactured bride can be corrupted when Eve was manufactured for Adam. Eve was naïve and easily manipulated toward corruption, which ultimately led Adam to become corrupted also. The Creator could not allow the Victor to be in the presence of corruption as Adam was. The Creator therefore wanted to create a gauntlet test for the “Bride” of the Victor to ensure the “Bride” would not be corrupted, and the “Bride” would not try to corrupt the Victor as Eve tried to corrupt Adam. One of the reasons the temporal war is dragging on so long is because there are still a few more slots in “New Jerusalem” to be filled with potential “Brides”. The secret of the universe and the meaning of life is that the Creator created the Universe for the Victor as one big contest like the “Bachelor” and “Miss Universe” combined together. I am actually communicating this message as a “roast” for the Victor’s wedding day. That is the 411 on Revelation 4:11.

The brilliant white being said “You can believe the message I am communicating to you and use it for your own personal edification or you can simply believe you just ate too much pizza yesterday. Not all of your dreams are from us, some are from other factions. If you want a natural dream, you will have to fast the day before. Don’t believe everything you dream. Test everything, keep what is good, and disregard the rest.”

The brilliant white being faded away, and the dream changed. I then found myself as a spectator in a giant stadium. There was a man in the middle of the stadium who appeared to be in the process of being paired with a companion live with him on his estate. It seemed to be like a game show similar to a hybrid of the “Bachelor” or “Miss Universe”, but I couldn’t tell the rules of the game. There were 7 “contestants” who were brought forward.

The first “contestant” was an Asian looking woman with black hair and brown eyes. She was petite and graceful. Her smile seemed to convey a feeling of “tranquility and peace”. She was wearing a cherry red dress.

The second “contestant” was a European looking woman with blond hair and blue eyes. Her hair spiraled like golden curls, and she seemed to have subtle fine bleached white strands of peach fuzz on her arms. Her demeanor seemed to have a “regal and posh” characteristic. She was wearing a peach colored dress.

The third “contestant” was a Latin American looking woman with black or very dark brown hair and brown eyes. Her smile seemed to convey a very attractive “confidence”. She was wearing a yellowish orange golden dress that reminded me of mangos.

The fourth “contestant” was an Irish looking woman who had greenish eyes and reddish brown hair. There was a subtle natural red hew to her face that reminded me of a strawberry. She had a very “playful” look in her eyes. She was wearing a fancy teal dress.

The fifth “contestant” was an African American looking woman with brown eyes and long beautiful black dreadlocks. She had a smile that gave a feeling of “empathy and compassion”. She was wearing satin blue dress that reminded me of blueberries.

The sixth “contestant” was an Italian looking woman with brown eyes and light brown hair. Her face was smooth and glowing. The thing you noticed most about her was her smile. Her face seemed to project “happiness”. She was wearing a glossy purple dress that reminded me of grapes.

The seventh “contestant” seemed American but I couldn’t tell her nationality, but she had dark black hair and subtle freckles on her face that were adorable. She was either wearing lipstick or her lips were naturally the color of raspberries. She had a smile that gave a feeling of “carefree innocence”. She was wearing a purplish brown dress that reminded me of figs.

The man in the middle of the stadium said, “I choose none of the above”. Then the host of the gameshow who looked like “Weird Al Yankovic” said, “That is unfortunate. That is the wrong answer. Close but no cigar.” Suddenly a trap door opened and the man fell downward and disappeared. A different new man appeared and took the place of the man who fell through the trap door. The “contestants” began to ask the new man a series of multiple choice questions…

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