Oct. 2023 BRAINSTORM - Stucker-Gassi (Crop Poisoning), Wood (WirelessMesh), Roguski (WHO Tyranny).

1 year ago

Global Elitists Seek Preemption to Coerce Behavior via a Digital Prison & Keep Us Sick with Frankenfood

with Guests:

● Christina Stucker-Gassi, Healthy Food & Farms Program Manager, Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP), on using the periodic Farm Bill to stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from its continuous enabling of Big Chemical’s overuse of pesticides on our crops.
● Doug Wood, founder, Americans for Responsible Technology (ART), on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) legal obligation to minimize radiofrequency microwave radiation dangers from wireless devices (such as cellphones, smart meters, and antennas); and ART’s public campaign to defeat Congressional bills enabling the deployment of a blanket of wireless radiation covering every neighborhood, every national park, and every wilderness area in the country.
● James Roguski, Substack writer on global government, on Congress’ effort to withdraw from and defund the World Health Organization, and the fast-approaching deadline to disapprove of amendments to the International Health Regulations – which seek preemption of the public-health policies of member nations (e.g., the U.S.), in order to coerce behavior whose goal will turn the above Wireless Mesh into a Digital Prison.
Co-hosted by NHF President & General Counsel Scott Tips,
Lobbyist Charles Frohman, and Media Manager Terri Harrah


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