Denver Nazi Airport #occultic #newworldorder #gangstalking #targetedindiviual #freemason #stalking

1 year ago

So what's with all of these horrific occultic paintings at the Denver airport and horrific sculptures or murals elsewhere? This is undoubtedly masonic, satanic, symbolism. They throw it in our faces and then say it's something else. Their secret organizations are playing evil puppeteers for us all. They use manipulation, sorcery, witchcraft, and other evil psychic tricks against us all daily, throughout our pop culture and our society. This is absolutely unquestionably not random 'art'. The satanic artist mockingly titles his 'art pieces' with cutesy little names but he paints apocalypse, genocide and war. And now in 2023, they've removed several murals. This is just another proof that this evil is growing and they are getting more brazen. They are getting closer to fulfilling their goal of a New World Order. One world govt, one world currency, one world religion. This vastly hidden subject has been written on for several decades. How long do we keep letting them get away with this garbage? With these travesties in our world? We have the power, we the people have the light. Not them. That's why they want the truth hidden. They want the power. They hide in the darkness, in the shadows, use cloaks and vails, secret handshakes, hidden symbolism, etc. They are unpopular, unwanted sneaky, hateful, low-level humans, who believe they are superior to the masses. However not superior to a dog imo. I mean to be a 'superior' human, one needs compassion, inclusiveness, kindness, humility, honesty, love, (not hate) etc. One can't be a 'superior' human without these traits. In fact they are really much less superior if they lack ANY of these loving traits and harness hate in their hearts..'
Honestly, how do we notsee the problem with this? There is a masonic, nazi, demonic force that is unseen or unspoken. Sounds crazy but what do we know about nazis? We know they hated Jewish ppl. like Jesus Christ. We know satanic cults/religions similarly hate Jesus and I would imagine they don't like Jewish ppl either, or any Holy ppl for that matter. This airport links the satanic occult, nazis and freemasonry. There are other links in our society as well. But not as flagrant and boastful as this airport. They mock us. They mostly remove religion and prayer from society. In place they give us self mutilation, skulls, gore, satanic culture. Every other movie is about unholy possessions, hauntings, war, end of the world, alien invasion, monster dinosaurs, or robot super powers, etc.
Also note the scaled red skinned reptile dancing in the UNITED NATIONS mural. Then examine the artwork I posted in another post here on YT. The one with the evil mother and the collapsing towers. She has spikes protruding from her cloak, she also has scaly, reddish skin. Just like serpents or horned, tailed beasts.

Please rise from your slumber Christian or stay awake if you have awoken already, stay blessed. Praise the most high Jesus Christ. God bless have a wonderful day!

Thank you for watching and thank you for your contributions!
Venmo: @Daniel-McCallion-1
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