A Campus Outrage: "Culling the Herd"

11 months ago

On April 14, 2023, Dean Charles Rose of Ohio Northern University sent campus security officers and armed town police to a classroom in which tenured law professor Scott Douglas Gerber was teaching to escort him to the dean’s office, where Gerber was told he had to resign or be fired. The only reason provided for this action, despite multiple requests for specifics from Dr. Gerber, was Dr. Gerber’s alleged insufficient “collegiality,” which isn’t even listed in the ONU Faculty Handbook as adequate cause for terminating a tenured professor.

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Dr. Gerber suspects the real reason is illegal retaliation for his whistleblowing about how Ohio Northern University’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives have led to illegal hiring and admissions practices. Dr. Gerber’s story has received national attention and is ongoing.
Dr. Gerber also will talk about his new book to be released this fall by Cambridge University Press, ‘Law and Religion in Colonial America: The Dissenting Colonies’. In the book, Dr. Gerber argues that law – charters, statutes, judicial decisions, and traditions – mattered in colonial America, and laws about religion mattered a lot. The legal history of colonial America reveals that America has been devoted to the free exercise of religion since well before the First Amendment was ratified. Indeed, the two colonies originally most opposed to religious liberty for anyone who did not share their views, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, eventually became bastions of it. By focusing on law, Dr. Gerber offers new insights about each of the five English American colonies founded for religious reasons – Maryland, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Massachusetts – and challenges the conventional view that colonial America had a unified religious history.

This class was recorded on November 1, 2023

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