SHADOW BEING or Creature from ANOTHER REALM? #Alien #ET #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

1 year ago

Proof: NEVER SEEN BEFORE video footage of a SHADOW BEING

What are SHADOW BEINGS? How to get rid of Entities in your body or house (BLACK-MAGIC)?? See the remedies in the post below...

These are Etheric Beings.

Sometimes these are the beings coming on to observe us.

Or, these are being that cause fear and feed off of the loosh or the energy from the fear.

Some of them are the entities with out of body experience to do the same thing...

... such as reptilians having the out of body experience visiting people and scaring the jesus out of them...

... so they can feed off of the energy they release

they appear like a 3d shadow...

lot of times out of the corner of their eye they will see the shape of a human walk by or duck into the next room real quick sometimes they stay there and let you observe them sometimes it's like a silhouette of a human...

some of them are just there to feed off of your energy...

... some of them are just there to observe...

... and some of them have been put there as entity attachments by people using like dark magic...

... like the people in the cabal

if they can't control somebody using mind control or using other methods...

... they will use entity attachments and use those to cause people to go into reactionary states of mind

MK Ultra also uses these entities to control people sometimes using trauma they implant these entity attachments physical and sexual trauma is one of the ways that they use to implant these the trauma is a glue that binds they are assigned to people and will be dedicated to whatever they are assigned to do these entities anchor to certain parts of the body that might have pain...

... or might have disease conditions...

... or some of these entities can also cause people overtime to have tumors...

... and weird things that show up in their body where the attachment is

they are sometimes called Engramic Memories...

... sometimes Somatic Memories...

massage therapy and acupuncture gets into this wherever these entities attaches themselves in the body there are usually pain or disease conditions in that area...

... they are sucking energy from that part and that is making you ill

shamans have figured out a way of getting rid of them if you think there are entities in your space...

... crushing garlic and set your intent it drives them away

or, pour salt along the doorways and the windows and then charge that salt with the intent of the purest love vibration...

... and that will block the entities from being able to get back in once you drive them out

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