
1 year ago

不確定這是否允許,但我必須問,因為我對自己所經歷的事感到害怕,並且想知道是否有其他人也有類似的經歷過,所以我做頭髮,並且與所有客人保持非常近的距離一次幾個小時下來,我相信最近接種疫苗的人的微粒脫落(shedding)對我有副作用。 我感到非常熱和頭暈,我的視力變得模糊,到了晚上我的卵巢感覺就像要炸裂一樣。 我要麼流鼻血,要麼一兩天就來月經。我看過有關這方面的影片,有一些醫生說這微粒脫落(shedding)是真的,並且有關於我所經歷的一切的報告。我想善意地請求我的客人在接種疫苗後兩週內不要來赴約,但我擔心我會因為反對疫苗接種而受到誹謗和羞辱。有任何意見請告訴我,將不勝感激!附上我在洗手台前流鼻血的影片。
Not sure if this allowed but i have to ask cuz I'm scared of what I've been experiencing and want to know if anyone else is experiencing it, so i do hair and I'm in very close contact with all my clients for a few hours at a time and i believe I'm have side effects from shedding from people who were recently vaccinated. I get very hot and dizzy, my vision becomes blurry and by the end of the night my ovarys feel like they are going to burst. I either end up with bloody noses or have my period for a day or two. I've watched videos on this and some doctors are saying it's true and that there's reports of everything I'm experiencing. I want to ask my clients nicely to please not come to their appointments till 2 weeks after getting the vaccine but I'm afraid I'll be slandered and shamed as an anti vaccer. Any advice would be appreciated. Video of my bloody noses

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