11 months ago

Greatness in Life requires the slaying of many monsters.

One of these monsters is a dark specter named Doubt.

The battle against Doubt must be fought and won in order to reach the peaks of greatness.

Doubt is insidious and creeping.

Thick, poisonous and sticky,

It aims to engulf and constrict your mind

cutting off your ability to perceive the light.

You have not defeated Doubt.

You doubt you can become great,

Doubt what is actually possible for you to achieve.

You need to destroy it before you can unlock your full potential.

Doubt is not your ally, it will never help you.

Doubt will only impede your progress,

It will attack your energy and sap your discipline.

It is a poison that spreads,

You must get rid of it absolutely.

I am from government housing,

I'm from the bottom of the socio-economic ladder.

I achieved all my successes despite every statistic saying I would fail.

Doubt was all around me.

I destroyed it every moment it reared its ugly head.

The destruction of doubt is one of the many secrets of Wudan.

I became a master of the technique exactly 2,973 years ago.

You must train to do the same,

When Doubt is destroyed you can see the possibilities of your life clearly.

It is much easier to suffer when you can see the destination you will reach.

Destroy Doubt, destroy the specter clouding your mind.

You will not ascend without doing so.

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