EP. 52 🚩 LEVERAGE, SIMPLE alternative and MENTALITY with the FTevo25 TECHNIQUE for CORNERS! 🚀

1 year ago

What's up, escantuber? My name is Tevo Soares and you are on the EscanTevo channel. Observing some beginners, I noticed that often the fault is not in the technique, but in the still precarious analysis, in the impulse to try your luck at any price or simply the greed in not wanting to miss anything. That's why I decided to record this video, which wasn't even on my schedule, in order to help those who are still in their infancy with this technique. Now, instead of just one way, you can think of two more different ways. It all depends on which type of management will be considered at the time of entry: 1) standard with odd 1,800; 2) fractional operation in two parts with compound interest or; 3) leverage cycle with odds of 1.33.

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Guilherme Camargo, Willian Justen de Vasconcellos, Ruben Leija, SeppH, Thomas Serer, Giorgio Trovato, David Clarke, Mari Carmen Del Valle, Jeffrey F. Lin, Nigel Msipa, Jannik Skorna, Tania Dimas and Marco Mézquita. Thank you very much for providing the images for free on Unsplash.

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