You Are What You Eat...

11 months ago

Why do you think I stopped eating meat & fish? It’s been almost ten whole years since Iv eaten that meat. The reason is there is no way in this world that they can supply all these food chain restaurants with all this beef or chicken. Where do you think all these millions of dead human body’s are going that disappear into thin space without a trace every year?

There’s way to much McDonald’s alone, without including any other fast food joints. The way These demonic entities are treating helpless animals is insane, it’s pure torture. Now they are cloning humans also, humans are eating humans, people are cannibals without knowing.

Loving Human beings should be living in harmony with Mother Nature with animals and all creation, we should not be devouring blood ,flesh, bones & souls like some type of demonic horror movie.

You’re what you eat.

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My advise would be to shop at a local farmer...

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