
11 months ago

Ascending Souls are integrating and cognising the recent increase of higher light codes permeating the cells, organs, blood and DNA of their Human body. Everything in Ascension is on a high acceleration speed. This may be occurring more at certain times of the day, those with with highly attuned Nervous Systems are feeling these amplified upgrades in the mornings, evenings and Late nights, this can result in restlessness, broken sleep or being awake for most of the night, you may experience a sense of Temporary anxiety while upgrades and downloads take place.
You are experiencing the internal purging, purging out toxins attached to thought frequencies that no longer serve, possibly feeling pushed or forced in some way out of jobs, mainstream people, friendships, this can also include family members that are no longer meant on your ascension path. Your physical body may be pushing you to begin the next chapter of your becoming. The physical is experiencing some major and incredible recalibrations right now, giving it some much needed rest. Ease and gentleness will assist Ascension in progress. You were created within a Starseed coded template that was to assist a 2-3 Dimensional Earth. This is/has/will be changing and activating the Christ light codes within. This is occurring in the DNA on a molecular and cellular level. This can also, at times, promote feelings of anxiety. Your teams of higher realms of light remain close by at all times.
Every part of your body is now awakening to the GOD light/crystalline light of awakening. Ascension symptoms can include exhaustion, deep fatigue, strange inner sensations and emotions,discomfort feeling, emotional, sensitivity, deeply feeling collective energies, collapsing old timelines. Overcoming outdated themes and beliefs, consciously working closely with the ancestors on both paternal and maternal lineages.
You are opening new portals within you to assist with these new time lines, no longer trying to make sense with a linear mindset, you may feel out of place temporarily and feel some confusion while these system upgrades take place.Teleportations, remembering, healing, and being REWIRED are major themes right now.
Of all the lifetimes you have ever lived on this planet, this is the one that will make the biggest difference for you and Gaia.
This is the one we all prayed for. To finally awaken and discover the truth. Ascending to who you really are and to make the impactful difference , to transform into the unique, multidimensional and original template of True self.
The upcoming solar flares will contain the most potent light coded energy we have yet to experience in the human ascending form.
The eclipse energies combined with solar flare activity will trigger upgrades that lead to the release of information from the DNA.
As a result, significant internal transformations will progressively occur. This heightens the awareness levels to increase higher collective consciousness here on Earth.
Universal Truth and Wisdom by Ascension LightWorkers.

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