Freedom Movement Truth Bomb VI

1 year ago

In light of what's going on in Israel and the United States right now, I thought it would be a good time to put together a special Truth Bomb that's aimed at educating folks about the history of Zionism, and it's connection to the Rothschild and other so-called "Jewish" central banking families, none of which are Jews in the sense that most people think of the word Jew.
The so-called "Jews" who long ago took over our world's monetary systems and then used their power to create unlimited amounts of unbacked, unredeemable, fiat currency with which they bought up the world for free, are not related in any way to the racial Jews (i.e. Sephardic Jews, genuine Hebrews) who are descendants of Sem (Semites), who were led out of Egypt by Moses. They are Khazarian Jews (a.k.a. Ashkanazi and Hasidic Jews) of Aryan/Indo-European descent, descendants of a nomadic people (think the Huns) who lived in and around the area of the Caspian Sea in Western Asia (the Khazar Khaganate), but converted en masse to Judaism in 740 CE.
So, not only are the Rothschilds and other Khazarian Jews not the Jews of your Bible, they're not even practitioners of [real] Orthodox Judaism. In fact, they often call themselves "Reform Jews" or even as "Secular Jews" for public consumption, but all sects other than Orthodox Judaism are [Labor Party] Zionists, most of whom secretly practice an occult form of Kabbalah Judaism called Sabbatean-Frankism.
As you will learn fom watching this compilation of videos, the most destructive forces that have shaped human history into the broken and aching world that we're all currently living in today, all stem from the Thirteen [Khazarian Jew central banking] Families and their control of the world's central banks, U.S. and British politics, Freemasonry, and the aforementioned heretical sects of Judaism.
Quite plainly, the Rothschilds and their ilk own this world, folks, and you are living as their debt slave right now, subject to all of their diabolical plans for genocide and world domination that have been percolating out of their twisted, inbred minds for hundreds of years now. And that's exactly how things will continue to be until we return our nation [and the rest of the world] to an honest monetary system which they cannot control (gold, silver and/or Bitcoin). After we have done that, we must then prosecute these demons along with all who have been serving them for their crimes against humanity, and then return all of the wealth that they have stolen from the People of the world over the past five centuries. Only then can mankind enter a "Golden Age" where better safeguards for peace, prosperity, and happiness are established than have heretofore ever existed.
See also Dark Messiah (about Sabbatean-Frankism)...
Freedom Movement Manifesto
Exposé on the Thirteen Families
Freedom Movement Truth Bomb V

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