Beach Drive | Film

1 year ago

This short film tells the story of moving on with a simple trip to the beach.
Staring Haley James, Sebastian Armani. Two amazing actors who bring in the heart break, pain of lost friendships and moving on.

Created, produced, Directed by Julie (JJ). DesVoigne
Cinematographers, Jonathan Fillion, Arek Kouyoumjian.
This is a projected created in 2021, filled with sweat and tears from the cast/crew. This story is a personal one, created by JJ who wanted to tell a visual story for class. Ending up making something very near and dear to her heart.
P.s all music i do not own, and I apologize for the audio quality our mics just died for this project.

Big praise to our actors who helped get this project done in 4 days.
you can find our actors at
Haley James: @princess_haleyy

Sebastian Armani: @sebarmani

A huge shout out to my amazing camera crew
Arek Kouyoujian: @arek_kou

Jonathan Filion: @truesurvivorcinema
Again do not own the music.

Awards Won
Best Screenplay: May 7th, 2022 Antelope Valley College Awards.

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