Blindspot 86 -> War Crimes GALORE as Israeli Intelligence Recommend: Depopulate Gaza

11 months ago

Blindspot 86 - War crimes galore as Israeli intelligence recommends depopulation of Gaza

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42


It seems as if Israel is fighting its war in Gaza, and on Palestinians like the Americans fought the Vietnam war.

Blindspot 86, is to a large extent a continuation of no 83, where, only days following on the October 7, ‘surprise attack’ Hamas launched on Israel from Gaza, Blindspot took the angle of warning - to watch Syria.

Since then, the regional fall-out, and entrenchment of positions, and drawing of thick red lines in the desert sands have continued. But, this delivery also builds on what we covered in No 84, where we covered a prophesy by Alexander Dugin, and outlined why the destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque, is a major issue hidden in the plain sight of total war unleashed on not just Gaza, but the region, by Israel.

Today we delve into a few stories, all further emphasising the fact that planet earth, and us humans are at a tipping point. Perhaps the great apocalypse is upon us, but, remember, that what we call apocalypse is the ‘lifting of the veil’. Perhaps the veil is being lifted on who the real perpetrators of war crimes, mass extermination are.

I - Hypocrisy at work?

When South Africa was preparing to host the BRICS summit earlier this year, a huge controversy surrounded the possible in-person attendance of the event, by President Vladmir Putin. At the time it was said that due to charges laid against him at the ICC, South Africa, a signatory to the Rome Statute, would be obliged to arrest him if he sets foot in the country. However, at the time Blindspot 65 referenced the work of The Grayzone, which clearly showed that the so-called charges against President Putin were based on bogus intelligence provided by the US State Department, and CIA. Great work done by Grayzone to expose these lies.

So, while Putin is being called a war criminal, based on bogus charges, how is it possible that the ICC and others on the moral high ground of the Rules Based International Order, in the face of whole Gaza neighbourhoods being carpet bombed by the IDF, children being killed and hospitals being destroyed, can stay mum on the apparent warcrimes being committed by Netanyahu and the far right wing Zionists fomenting the biblical extermination of Palestinians in Gaza?


CF. 2023. Erdogan threatens to declare war on Israel, send military to Gaza. 28 October, 2023.

Yuval Abraham. 2023. Expel all Palestinians from Gaza recommends Israeli government ministry. +972 Magazine, 30 October, 2023.

Intelligence Ministry, Israel. 2023. Policy Paper: Options for a policy regarding Gaza’s civilian population. 13 October, 2023. Translated by +972 Magazine.

AlJazeera. 2023. Turkey’s Erdogan tells pro-Palestinian rally Israel is ‘an occupier’. 28 October, 2023.

Dave DeCamp. 2023. Pentagon: US forces I Iraq and Syria attacked 13 times in last week. 24 October, 2023.

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