11/3/23 Worldwide Conflict At Home "Nothing New Under the Sun - Unfortunately" part 5 S3E13p5

10 months ago

11/3/23 Worldwide Conflict At Home "Nothing New Under the Sun - Unfortunately" part 5
As we finish up the week on Something’s Happening Here, we look at the consequences of unleashing onto the world, and our society in America, the spiritual battle of history that we’ve discussed since Monday. Spoiler alert: it’s not good. Rather than an A.I. Update this week, instead we will look at America’s fall from God’s grace on full display, and where it is leading prophetically. Put on your Prophecy Hats today, friends, as we look to the past to glimpse into the future with today’s show, “Worldwide Conflict At Home.”

Our thirteenth episode focuses again on the recent outbreak of war in Israel, looking to history and Scripture to help understand its spiritual significance.

Season 3 Episode 13
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