War Powers Posse~ ~~

1 year ago

The Future of War Powers: Reform and Adaptation

The War Powers Act of 1973 is a U.S. resolution.

It limits the President's power to start or escalate military actions abroad.

The President must consult with Congress before sending troops to war.

They must also notify Congress within 48 hours of

introducing military forces into hostilities.

The Act states that foreign military actions must end after

60 days unless Congress gives a war declaration

or an operation authorization. Authorization

for Use of Military Force.

A Declaration of War is a formal act of war against another nation.

It legitimizes killing enemy combatants, seizing enemy

property, and apprehending enemy aliens.

An Authorization for Use of Military Force

is a joint resolution by Congress.

It gives the U.S. president the authority to use military

force in a conflict. It often carries instructions

about where, against whom, or against what the force can be used.

President Biden has taken steps to address the War Powers Act.

He has responded to Iranian terrorist groups' attacks on American

military personnel in the Middle East.

He also supports a new war powers vote in Congress.

He plans to work with Congress to repeal the war

authorizations that have underpinned U.S. military operations for

the past two decades.

The War Powers Act has been invoked several times in recent years.

It was used during conflicts in former Yugoslavia, Bosnia,

Kosovo, Iraq, and Haiti under President Clinton.

It was used after the September 11, 2001, terrorist

attacks against the U.S. More recently, it

was used in an effort to end U.S. support of

the ongoing Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen.

If war comes to American soil, President Biden could invoke

the War Powers Act. Instituting a draft involves several steps.

A national emergency must occur that exceeds the Department of

Defense’s ability to recruit and maintain its enlistment numbers.

Congress would then have to pass a bill amending the

Military Selective Service Act and beginning the draft process.

A draft lottery would then follow.

The Selective Service System requires almost all male U.S.

citizens and immigrants, ages 18 through

25, to register with the government.

This includes undocumented immigrants. Women

were not required to register for the draft as of

2021, but there has been ongoing debate about this issue.

The Posse Comitatus Act is a U.S. federal law.

It limits the powers of the federal government in the

use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic

policies within the U.S. It generally

prevents the President from using the military as a domestic police force.

The law embodies an American tradition that sees military interference

in civilian affairs as a threat to democracy and personal liberty.

In summary, the War Powers Act pertains to foreign

military actions, while the Posse Comitatus Act

pertains to domestic law enforcement.

Both Acts deal with the use of military forces, but

apply in different contexts.

The ongoing debates and proposals for reforming these acts are

crucial to address contemporary challenges and ensure

effective oversight of military actions.

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