11/2/23 History on a Loop "Nothing New Under the Sun - Unfortunately" part 4 S3E13p4

1 year ago

11/2/23 History on a Loop "Nothing New Under the Sun - Unfortunately" part 4
At its heart, the conflict in Israel is a territorial one: each side claims rightful ownership of the land in question. This clearly has its roots in British rule over the area following World War One, no one would dispute that. I dare say many would even concede that the dispute dates back further, to the Middle Ages, or perhaps even ancient times. But what happens when we trace it back to the earliest of times? Pre-civilization times? Is it possible that the picture actually gets clearer, the farther back in time you look? The entire premise of this week’s episode of Something’s Happening Here is that there is “nothing new under the sun,” which is why today’s show is called “History on a Loop.”

Our thirteenth episode focuses again on the recent outbreak of war in Israel, looking to history and Scripture to help understand its spiritual significance.

Season 3 Episode 13
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