The Other Shoe Falls

11 months ago

Conspiracy theorists are having a field day with this one. And can you blame them?
18 people died at the hands of a crazed, lone shooter in Lewiston, Maine, and almost before the gun smoke cleared, Joe Biden was shooting off his mouth, again demanding new laws that would make it harder for Americans to defend themselves. High atop Biden’s “hit list” (and targeted by him to be banned) are “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines.
Many see this latest mass shooting as a “predictable black swan” event. Those desiring to weaken our country and leave Americans helpless always appear to have impeccable timing. Isn’t it strange that immediately prior to this shooting, both the FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued warnings about possible attacks on the homeland from terrorists? Of course, WE know how those terrorists got here, too. They crossed Joe Biden’s invisible fence after he blew the dog whistle, and rolled out the progressives’ welcome mat. And while handfuls of Hamas and Hezbullah haters have been intercepted, we can only speculate how many more waltzed in untouched and already dwell among us, locked and loaded.
In recent days, we saw what happened when mostly unarmed Israeli citizens were gunned down in their homes and beds by Hamas-cidal maniacs. Might it be that the Biden Administration wants chaos to rule in our streets, as well?
And if so, why? Could martial law be on the way? What would that mean for America’s 2024 Presidential election? Would such a crackdown on our rights signal an end to the Republic?
There are many questions to answer and bridges to cross before we can arrive at this sorry conclusion. God remains in charge, and He still answers our prayers. But history is shouting its lessons, and those wearing ear plugs are bound to repeat them.!/donation/checkout

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