Curious Pack Of Bears Wander Up To Motorists On Russian Highway

7 years ago

We have said many times that we sort-of envy the Russians for their wildlife opportunities. Some of the strangest and viral amateur videos on the internet have come from Russia, so it doesn’t surprise us that this clip also hails from the Great Motherland.

A group of motorists had a chance encounter to come across a brown mother bear and her three <a href="" target="_blank">cubs</a>, since they were apparently curious enough to come close to the road. The people in the car can be seen throwing them food, which the cubs gladly accept. But why did the bear come down to the road?

<a href="" target="_blank">Bears</a> have become a motorway hazard for drivers along a stretch of road in Russia where the hungry animals are literally begging for food. While the bears approach cars and wait for their next drive-by meal, motorists are throwing out treats to the animals along the highway, but officials are warning people not to feed them because there is a significant risk they could get attacked if they roll their windows way down.

The mayor of one of the villages close by has said that sometimes it is impossible for drivers to pass because there are so many animals on the road.

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