Dawn Nears Ceres - Approach Images, Movies and Animations

11 months ago


Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and is considered a dwarf planet. It was the first such object to be discovered, found by Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801. In 2015, NASA's Dawn spacecraft entered orbit around Ceres, providing valuable insights into the dwarf planet's composition and geological features.

Some key characteristics and features of Ceres include:

Size and Composition: Ceres has a diameter of about 940 kilometers (580 miles) and is composed primarily of rock and ice. It is the only object in the asteroid belt to be rounded by its own gravity, giving it a spherical shape.

Surface Features: Dawn's observations revealed several prominent surface features on Ceres, including impact craters, mountains, and bright spots. The famous bright spots in the Occator Crater are believed to be deposits of salt or other reflective materials.

Water Ice: Ceres is known to have a significant amount of water ice, both in its subsurface and as surface features such as bright spots and craters. This has led to speculation about the potential for subsurface liquid water and the possibility of past or present hydrothermal activity.

Internal Structure: Studies suggest that Ceres may have a differentiated interior, with a rocky core surrounded by a thick mantle of water ice. This layered structure is similar to that of many larger icy moons in the outer solar system.

The Dawn mission significantly enhanced our understanding of Ceres and provided valuable data that continues to be analyzed by scientists, shedding light on the processes that shaped the dwarf planet and the broader history of the early solar system. Ceres remains an object of interest for planetary scientists, offering insights into the formation and evolution of small celestial bodies within the asteroid belt.
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