Leftists Try To Destroy the U.S. Supreme Court, 4228

11 months ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.

In the beginning of the Trumpet era, back during the 2016 campaign, somehow I already knew that a literal coup was underway against presidential candidate Donald Trump – probably at the direct order of then President Obama. I can’t tell you how I knew, because I don’t remember.

Never mind that I had friends and relatives who worked at NSA, CIA, and DIA, never mind that my Dad turned down a job offer from NSA Director Gen. Sam Phillips in the early 1960s to be his Deputy Director at NSA. Never mind that in 1973, I was involved in turning back President Nixon’s attempted coup.

I grew up in the Mil/Intel community, worked for most of my adult life as a contractor associated with the community and somehow I knew, whether by instinct, intuition, or someone told me they suspected it -- or some combination of the above – I just knew it.

So, it came as small surprise to me that on March 4, 2017, just 43 days after taking office, President Donald Trump tweeted:

“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

Finally, confirmation. The coup was on full speed!

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