Yemen declares war, 45th Speaker, Trump exposed Bibi, Zionism/Judaism, Isreal now illegal!

1 year ago

GA rules on heartbeat law.
CO and MN want to ban Trump from the Ballot
Saudi Arabia stops using USD Nov 1st. Get ready for market crash!
Balfour contract is null. Israel is illegal!
Transgenders wont enter into their own category! They only want to be where they have biological advantage!
Pfizer losses...pffft. who cares
2nd Declaration of Independence/Trump
JFK EO 11110: Silver certificates.
13th Amendment
Trump exposed Netanyahu... so why doesn't Congress members know?
Zionism/Judaism: Jewish Rabbi speaks out and a Man whose grandfather signed the Balfour Declaration, who grew up a Zionist (he called them terrorists) supports Palestinians.
Archives found 82,000 emails from VP Biden: worse then HRC?
Putin calls out the Deep State?
Yemen declare war on Israel.
M.J. the 45th House Speaker... We are a Republic once again!
New TX law! Very cool!

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