(6) Whole Greater Than Sum of Parts

1 year ago

[Chapter 6: Whole Greater Than Sum of Parts]

The world is not a zero sum game. It is possible for there to be symbiotic relationships that are a “win win” for all parties involved. It is the lawless parasites that try to turn the world into a zero sum game as they steal from other people like pirates so that one group of people suffers in order for the pirates to profit. The problem is not overpopulation but rather mismanagement. The world in its present state would become “overpopulated” if the status quo were maintained. The lawless parasites managing our world cannot think outside the box, so they implement communistic style rationing, conservation, and redistribution of wealth. The communist parasites think in terms of a pie of a fixed size that can only be divided up. The problem is that the solution requires the exact opposite approach. The solution requires increasing the size of the pie by thinking of creative solutions that are a “win win” for everyone. The solution requires experimenting with new ways to terraforming the deserts of the earth into habitable land. The solution requires creating a “space elevator” that can utilize kinetic energy from the Earth’s own rotation to syphon water from the earth and put it into orbit to create a water canopy or water firmament similar to the one that may have existed before the flood of Noah. During the Flood of Noah, the water canopy or firmament that was in orbit around the Earth may have fallen to the earth during a 40 day period to flood the whole Earth. There may have been an earthquake about a year later that opened cracks in the Earth’s crust to let some of the water drain down to make dry land appear again. In the Antediluvian days the life expectancy was about 10 times more than it is currently, which may have been due to the water canopy protecting the telomeres from solar radiation. The water canopy would shield us from solar radiation to increase our life-expectancy while also lowering the sea level to create more land that is now submerged underwater. The river of water put in orbit around the earth could then be tapped into by farmers anywhere in the world to water their crops with rain falling from the sky. The problem is the communistic parasites think of everything in terms of an amount of money rather than the actual assets themselves. The creative solution requires utilizing the assets in more productive ways that increase wealth rather than a simple appraisal and trade of assets valued at the same monetary value.

If the world were to fully utilize the creative ingenuity of its population to develop new technologies to terraform all parts of the Earth into a paradise, the Earth may be able to comfortably hold over a trillion people. One man’s trash is another person’s treasure. One thing we can learn from the Creator is the genius of layered systems and genius of decomposition or digestion. The genius of layered systems is that the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts. The Creator created electrons, neutrons, and protons. Atoms are created from electrons, neutrons, and protons. The information contained in the atoms is greater than its original subatomic particles. Molecules are created from covalent and ionic bonds of atoms. The information contained in molecules is greater than the information contained in the original atoms. Living cells are created from molecules. The information contained in living cells is greater than the information contained in the individual molecules. Living organisms are made from living cells. The information contained in living organisms is greater than the information contained in a living cell. Biospheres are made from living organisms. The information contained in a Biosphere is greater than the information contained in the organisms that compose it. The byproducts or waste products of one organism are used by other organisms as valuable resources. We should learn from our Creator how to turn our trash into treasure. We must find creative ways to utilize our waste products as valuable resources for other processes. We could mimic our Creator and try to create self-replicating technology that harvests things commonly found in the environment. Once the self-replicating technology harvests things from the environment it can be reprogramed to restructure itself into more complex structures made of the individual parts that self-replicate. This technology would self-replicate making itself an abundant resource that could easily be recycled by being reprogramed to form itself into whatever structures or technology we wanted. Imagine electric circuits made of smaller self-replicating nanotechnology that could be reprogramed to change its resistivity values. The small self-replicating nanotechnology could be programed with different resistivity values to form itself into any circuit we wanted. We could then reprogram the self-replicating nanotechnology to form whatever circuit we wanted to easily recycle our electrical circuit technology. The self-replicating nanotechnology with reprogrammable resistivity values would be like letters. The circuits they form into would be like words. The computers and devices the circuits formed into would be like sentences.

The information contained in a word is greater than the information contained in the individual letters. The information contained in a sentence is greater than the information contained in the individual words. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts because there is extra information contained in the sequence, arrangement, and/or structure of the parts. A family is greater than the sum of the individual people. A community is greater than the sum of the families. A nation is greater than the sum of the communities. An alliance of nations is greater than the sum of the individual nations.

The world needs to be formed of sovereign nations that have symbiotic relationships with each other. Each sovereign nation needs to be self-sustaining with its own border just as each cell is self-sustaining with its own semipermeable membrane. A cell that cannot regulate what goes in and out of its own semipermeable membrane quickly dies. Nations can share resources and byproducts with each other just as cells in a body share resources with each other. Nations should not be stealing all the educated people, wealth, and resources from other poorer nations like a cancer cells that steal resources from other cells to create a parasitic relationship. Just as cells grow and divide, nations should branch out colonies on the land they terraformed and eventually have those colonies divide into new nations.

The nations of the world need to be sovereign and independent. They can have alliances and treaties that govern their foreign policy but they cannot be bound to international law that tries to micromanage the domestic laws and policies of the individual nations. A “One World Order” with nations bound by international law makes it too easy for the virus of evil to infiltrate and infect the whole system with no immune system. Sovereign nations that make their own domestic laws without adherence to any international authority have an innate immune system to combat any evil that spawns from one nation which tries to infiltrate and infect all the nations. There is a reason the founding fathers created a “separation of powers”. A “One World Order” is the exact opposite of a “separation of powers”. A “One World Order” is a “consolidation of powers” that makes it too easy for evil to take control of the entire system without any opposition afterward once it does.

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