1 year ago

According to the Genesis Creation narrative the earth is covered with a firmament and located in the midst of the waters, with waters above and waters below the earth.
Genesis 1:6-7 KJV: "6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which [were] under the firmament from the waters which [were] above the firmament: and it was so."
However the scientists claim that we live on a spherical planet, spinning in an airless space at speeds of 66,660 miles per hour.
Which one is true? Is the Genesis creation narrative true? Or are the scientists right?

In this video I show the real face of the scientists, who are behind the 'globe-spinning-through-space':
01:02 The Bible about the location of the earth
01:38 The scientists about the location of the earth
02:50 Who are the scientists that created the globe-spinning-through-space (Heliocentric Model)
06:11 According to NASA the 'globe' and the 'planets' are all Computer Generated Imagery
09:57 The technical specs of NASA, the Military and the Aviation industry are based on a flat non-rotating earth (documents from their websites)
12:35 The UN, the IMO, the WMO, the WHO and the ICAO all have the flat earth map in their LOGO
13:19 The ISS is a big scam to keep the masses in their evil spell of a globe spinning through an airless space
17:30 The Mission Control Center of NASA uses 'green screens' to create the fabricated footage of zero-gravity
20:59 The SpaceX rocket of NASA hits the firmament and starts water skiing against the firmament
24:45 The sun is not 93 millions miles away from earth (footage of the sun and moon close te earth)
27:10 The limits of perspective, also called the 'vanishing point' scientifically explained
28:12 When scientifically checking the official specifications of the curvature of the earth the curvature does not exist.
29:50 The scientific channels are used to lie about the curvature of the earth (lies exposed)
33:07 A journey to THE FIRMAMENT, footage of the Firmament.

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