Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen ~ How to Save Your Soul from Satan...

10 months ago

Freddie Mercury is ALIVE and WELL, and he is a Genius, CHOSEN to Play a very important Role in this Great Q Movie that we are all Living...thru the Music of the Band Queen, Freddie has unveiled an ENORMITY of Truth, but None Bigger, nor more Important than perhaps the Greatest Rock and Roll Song of All Time, Bohemian Rhapsody...

So, what is this Ground-breaking Song about? Simple...Theft of our Souls by the Canaanites thru creating a Satanic System, called Organized Society, whereby 'The System' SHOVES Every Man, Wombman and Child into SINFUL Thoughts and Actions...and once we Live within THEIR WORLD of SIN, then they HAVE US, Own Us, as our Minds become racked with Guilt and Shame over being so Wicked and Sinful, and yet, we go Back, Jack and Do it Again, Wheel Turning Round and Round, as we get further and further away from our True Selves, and thus, from God...

And without a Moral Guideline there to SHINE the Light on Kindness, Selflessness, and Virtue, then Day-by-Day our Inner Light, our Spirit, begins to Lessen, to Darken, as we Literally slip into a Moral Darkness, where over time, 'Anything Goes' as we come to learn to STOP Looking at ourselves in the Mirror, and just accept our Wicked, Fallen Self...which is NOT, nor could NEVER be, our True Self, rather, just a Cheap Copy of the Real thing...

Why the Name of the Song, Bohemian Rhapsody? Bohemian refers to Bohemia, a region within the Czech Republic where the Literary Genius, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe wrote FAUST, a story about a Lost Man Selling His Soul to the Devil because he had already Terribly Sinned, and wanted to Assuage his Guilt and Shame by possessing More and More, only to find that NOTHING he acquired would Ease his Pain and Suffering, which Satan had promised him; thus, Faust called out to God for Help in removing him from this Falsified Contract with Satan, and the rest is History...

Why Rhapsody? Well, a Rhapsody is a Musical Structure where the Song is Broken down into 7 Sections, that act as a Journey in an of itself, much like the 7 Layers of Hell are a Journey, in Dante's, INFERNO, that take All of us on this Quest of a Lifetime, Out of Hell and Back into Heaven, that which EACH OF US must take at some point in our Lives...the Journey BACK to God, and Away from the Hands of Man, which represent this is the Tale of the Prodigal Son, or, There and Back Again...

The First Verse of the Song has Two Sections to it, the first three lines are those that (1) QUESTION our Reality (Is this the Real Life, is this just Fantasy?), while the Second Three Lines represent the (2) ACCEPTANCE of his Current Reality as a VICTIM to Life (I'm just a Poor Boy, I need no Sympathy)...

The Third Section represents the (3) DEATH of the Innocent Child within (Mama, I just Killed A Man...), as he comes to Real-Eyes that his Innocence within this World is Dead, and that he must Depart to Find Life...

The Fourth Section is this (4) SACRED JOURNEY of the Prodigal Son (Got to Leave you all Behind and Face the Truth), in the 'Out There' Physical World (any way the Wind Blows)...

While the Fifth Section represents the (5) INWARD Journey of the Mind where we begin to See our SMALL Selves Floundering in Defeat, from this Higher, Inner Perspective ('I See a Little Silhouetto of a Man...'), in Desperate Need of Fighting Back to Reclaim our Souls ('Scaramouche, Scaramouche can you do the Fandango?', where Scaramouche is a Play upon the Spanish word 'escaramuza', a Military Skirmish between Armies with horseback riders (e.g. The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse)...

The Six Section represents the (6) INNER STRUGGLE OF THE MIND, with this EPIC BATTLE between the Forces of Good (God) and Evil (Satan), (The Self), 'Will You Let Me Go?', (Satan), 'No, We Will NOT Let you Go', (The Angels of God), 'Let Him Go', and (The Demons of Satan), 'Never, Never, Never, Never, No, No, No, No, No, No, NO!'...

And Finally, the Seventh Section, (7) VICTORY THRU GOD, which reveals Satan Freaking Out by our Refusal to Honor the 'Contract' that he Drew up for us, Showing us, Powerfully, that we have already WON when we Choose LIFE thru God, by standing up against Evil, which is with God, HE Always Wins, thus, all we ever have to do to Re-Claim our Souls, is to always Stand up to Evil, by TRUSTING IN GOD...

So, with all of this in Mind, now you will ABEL to Navigate this once impenetrable Song, and come to fully INNERSTAND what Freddie Mercury was saying, and why this Song represents OUR JOURNEY in Cast our Nets to the Right Side of our Vessels in the Living Name of God, forsaking the Master of Lies, Temptation and SIN, which is Satan...

Love, CF

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