Lies and secrets

11 months ago

UK Covid inquiry reveals unpleasant material

Dominic Cummings

“1000 times worse than my language was the underlying insanity of the situation in Number 10.”

Start of 2020

UK’s first national lockdown, considered a “completely crazy idea”

“no way” nationwide restrictions could be introduced in Britain

Strict border controls on China and more testing, “much better” outcome than lockdown.

Cummings to Johnson, March - May 2020

Matt Hancock “unfit for this job”

WhatsApp message, May 7 2020

“Hancock is unfit for this job.

The incompetence, the constant lies, the obsession with media bullshit over doing his job.

“Still no fucking serious testing in care homes his uselessness is still killing god knows how many.

This morning you must ask him when will we get to 500k per day and where is your plan for testing all care home workers weekly.”
Vulnerable people 'almost appallingly neglected' in lockdown decision

“one of the most appalling things” lack of a shielding plan “and the Cabinet Office was trying to block us creating a shielding plan”.

Later message to the PM from Cummings

“You need to think through timing of binning Hancock.

There’s no way the guy can stay.

He’s lied his way through this and killed people and dozens and dozens of people have seen it.”

WhatsApp message, 20 April 2020 from Mark Sedwill (Senior civil servant)

“fast losing confidence in Hancock’s candour as well as grip.”

Culture of secrecy

Dominic Cummings a “culture of secrecy” in the Cabinet Office,

blocked Sage minutes

“I also had a very strong view that the Sage minutes and other documentation should be made public in February for scrutiny”

“Patrick completely agreed - unfortunately again, the culture of secrecy in the Cabinet Office blocked that - not just in February/March, but blocking it for, I can’t remember how long, a very long time.”

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