Working Age People See Massive Rise in Excess Cancer Rates After Mandates

1 year ago

The UK experienced a 43% increase of excess cancer rates in 2022 amongst the 18 - 44yo age group, after mandates were imposed to take a toxic substance in order to remain in employment.

Alongside cardiac, blood clotting, neurological and immunological damage caused by the Covid-19 injectable products marketed as "vaccines", cancer is one of the biggest health risks. The mechanisms are explained in this book:

Oncologists who are speaking out report that their colleagues are mumbling about it in private, and even telling patients individually, not to take further doses due to the association of harm. Most are afraid to speak publicly because of the disciplinary action they are threatened with. Health professional licensing boards such as the medical councils are now intertwined financially with the pharmaceutical industry, as described here:

The same intertwined financial / obligation business model also exists now with most of the high impact medical journals, who refuse to publish research which doesn't promote the pharmaceutical industry's needs, leading to corrupted research with manipulated results. In those articles which do manage to get published, authors are required to comment in their abstracts and conclusions, in favour of pharmaceutical products even when this is contraindicated by the data in the exact same article. This is described briefly here:

Edward Dowd's data analysis team use disability and life insurance data to evaluate the health harms being caused. They publish at the following link:


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