Dr. McCullough: Patients Have the Right to Be Treated With Ivermectin

1 year ago

“No doctor can lord over you and say, ‘No, you can’t have that medication,’” Dr. Peter McCullough testified to the Texas Senate.

“Drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are supported by hundreds and hundreds of clinical trials. They’re in dozens of government guidelines elsewhere in the world as first-line therapy,” he mentioned.

“Any American, any Texan, has the right to receive these drugs in the hospital when they engage in a discussion with their doctor. And under no circumstances should any doctor refuse a patient shared decision-making and their own personal autonomy. It’s unethical, it’s immoral, and from a clinical perspective, it’s illegal. And don’t let it happen on your watch.”

Don’t get caught unprepared - make sure you have ivermectin, Z-pak, and other life-saving medications in your medicine cabinet when you need them.

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