1 year ago

Tiny robots, also known as nanobots, are currently being used in various ways in the medical field. One of the most promising applications is targeted drug delivery, where nanobots are programmed to deliver medication directly to the affected cells or tissues, reducing side effects and increasing effectiveness. They are also being developed for use in surgeries, where they can provide greater precision and accuracy. Additionally, nanobots are being studied for their potential to detect and remove cancerous cells, as well as for monitoring and repairing damaged tissues. These robots are only a few millimeters in size and can be used for various applications such as targeted drug delivery, microsurgery, and environmental sensing. The use of magnetic fields to control the tiny robots allows for precise movements and positioning, making them ideal for delicate tasks. The potential applications of these tiny robots are vast, and the research being conducted at the University of Waterloo is an exciting step towards the development of advanced miniature robotics technology.

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