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▶️ Dispersed space-based laser weapon - Abstract
A plurality of orbiting solar generators stay in constant touch. They can be congregated rapidly in space at any desired secret location. Once congregated selected members of the group focus their energy to a death star. This death star could be a newly launched ICBM with a giant capacitor and a means to connect this capacitor to the selected members of the group of orbiting solar generators. A laser generator uses this giant capacitor energy to project a non-nuclear laser death ray to a target. The target could be a city, a ship or a satellite. In the event of an asteroid approaching earth, this system could destroy an asteroid. In peacetime, the orbiting solar generators may supply electric power to an earth-based power grid or other space vehicles.

▶️ U.S. altering weather patent below.
US 20060201547 A - Space-based power system and method of altering weather using space-born energy. The space-based power system maintains proper positioning and alignment of system components without using connecting structures. Power system elements are launched into orbit, and the free-floating power system elements are maintained in proper relative alignment, e.g., position, orientation, and shape, using a control system. Energy from the space-based power system is applied to a weather element, such as a hurricane, and alters the weather element to weaken or dissipate the weather element. The weather element can be altered by changing a temperature of a section of a weather element, such as the eye of a hurricane, changing airflows, or changing a path of the weather element.

▶️ Here is the link to the Weather management using space-based power system patent US 20060201547A
▶️ Click link here:

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