Do You Think They Care About What Will Happen?

1 year ago

The media is struggling with the fact that you are looking elsewhere for your news and not believing their narrative.
Speaker Johnson realizes that Americans aren’t keen on funding any more. The bill proposed for Israel funding will cut the money from the Inflation REduction Act allocated to the IRS. Mike Johnson is going to put the democrats to the test.
The media want to lead you to believe that the funding that will be taken from the IRS will be the money that will go after billionaires. It is not true, if you do the research that the number one income bracket that most of the audits are done, it is not in the upper level, it is the small business owner. It's the family that can’t fight the IRS.
Mike Johnson is moving forward with the investigation into Biden.
Trial begins over whether Trump should be kept off the 2024 ballot in CO. We have a third debate coming up in Nov. There may be some behind the scene actions happening in GA to keep Trump off the ballot.
Do you think they care about what will happen? Do you think they are planning for what may happen? Don’t you think the FBI and our military have a plan in place for when Trump goes to prison or if Trump is kept off the ballot.

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