Pirates of the Airdish Main from OD&D (RPG Review)

1 year ago

Stephen reviews the Old School Dungeons & Dragons systems compatible adventure module, Pirates of the Airdish Main. Game designer Joseph Bloch (known on YouTube as Greyhawk Grognard) wrote a very much needed sea adventure module that runs you through the gamut of harrowing and typical experiences that go with life on the water. I loved it and want to use it. After my thoughts on the adventure, the writer joins us for a short interview where we talk about the adventure and what inspired him to come up with P1 Pirates of the Airdish Main.

You can check out Joseph's videos and game materials at the links below:
YouTube - @GreyhawkGrognard
Drivethrurpg - https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/publisher/3728/brw-games
His blog - https://www.greyhawkgrognard.com/

I was wrong about The Iron Mask starring Errol Flynn, it starred Douglas Fairbanks. Watch it here:

Find Stephen on social media by checking out the Langhorne Creative Group links below:
and his personal FB page (but only if you like spicy) at

Thanks for watching, and I'd love to hear from you.
PS - After this video was recorded, Stephen suggested some edits to Joseph for the module, and Stephen received editing credit for the changes.

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