Bad guys do not use iPhones #factsnews #shorts

10 months ago

Bad guys do not use iPhones. So there's one brand no criminal or bad guy in movies ever uses and that brand is Apple. You will never see a bad guy with an iPhone because Apple only wants their brand to be associated with good.
Rian Johnson, a director, has revealed a well-kept secret in the world of product placement: Apple will not let the use of its devices by a bad guy in a movie.
“Apple, they let you use iPhones in movies, but – and this is very pivotal – if you’re ever watching a mystery movie, bad guys cannot have iPhones on camera,” Johnson, whose credits include Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Looper and Knives Out, revealed in a video recorded for Vanity Fair.
They even threatened to sue anyone who produces a movie featuring an evil character using Apple. Reputation is everything while developing a brand.
#factsnews #appleiphone

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