Sucharit Bhakdi: The Potential of C-19 Jab to Negatively Impact Fertility & Reproduction is Enormous

1 year ago

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Bhakdi: "The heart is one organ that cannot replace dead cells. Who has not heard of the mysterious sudden cardiac deaths that are occurring around the world? They are only the tip of an iceberg. Vaccine induced heart disease has entered the daily agenda of young and old.

The second organ that cannot replace its dead is the brain. Depending on where vaccine damage is done, any neurological and psychiatric affliction may follow. In a similar fashion, autoimmune diseases can develop simultaneously in different organs. This multifaceted feature of vaccination induced injury is unique, and tellingly illustrated in the tragic case of a 14 year old child who died of multiorgan inflammation, as has never been seen before.

The potential of vaccination to negatively impact on fertility and reproduction is enormous. The vaccines accumulate in the reproductive organs, and this could immediately impair fertility. Uptake of circulating RNA and DNA by cells of the placenta could result in stillbirths. Placental damage may also enable the packaged genes to enter the fetal circulation."

"Gut permeability is high during the first weeks after birth, and the real possibility exists that breastfeeding will result in direct passage of vaccines into the baby's blood, where suicide mechanisms may be triggered. For never forget, the capacity of the immune system to recognise and destroy cells that produce alien proteins is given at birth."

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