Talking reality and fate with a wee bit of MSM.

11 months ago

If you see the road ahead, the plan for all existence, your choices, solutions and have an exit plan, you will understand my record for the future.
I have never claimed truth, how can I as I am just a man, a father, a cod-head from Grimsby with few accolades. I have though come to realise the ruses within the life ruse and the rousers within the Conspiracy business and it's trusted Influencers. I do not claim anything, especially of myself that I have not experienced, that which I freely and openly reveal of my life and understandings of and the lie.
I do this for many reasons, the closest to my heart is my children then all others. We need to move past the lies and see with new-born eyes, yes it hurts for a while but after, the light dissipates and you see clearly for the 1st time. This is where I attempt to intervene before or during the slide towards the CT ruse.
I have always wished, child to man, to be a healer of sorts and this is my only avenue due to being banished from hearts and minds.
But I know something they don't, they are always in mine.
Don't let it destroy us.

Much L❤ve


Keep others sweet whilst we die on the streets.
Sadiq Khan's deputy warns of 'very worrying' rise in rough sleepers in London. (It's UK wide in truth)

Net zero: 80 million UK home windows should be replaced to meet government climate target, glass industry says.
(make it impossible for people to own, live and sustain themselves by syphoning their laboured lives. Solution-Sustain them, but barely)
All in the name of climate 'change', which has been manipulated, worsened and propelled for decades.

I am sick of this, the quest for truth has lost it's edge and all I crave now is a sign and truths that set me free to be.

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