Situational Awarness and Preparedness

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Date – Tuesday, October 31st 2023 – St. Alfonso Rodriguez

1. **Birth and Early Life:** St. Alfonso Rodriguez was born in 1531 in Segovia, Spain, to a pious wool merchant. He was influenced by the early Jesuits in Spain, including Blessed Peter Faber and St. Francisco de Villanueva.

2. **Personal Tragedies:** After his father's death, Alfonso took over the family business, which eventually went bankrupt. He also suffered the loss of his wife, three children, and his mother.

3. **Spiritual Awakening:** In the face of these failures and personal tragedies, Alfonso experienced a profound spiritual awakening. He recognized the wickedness of his life and saw the majesty of God in his own misery.

4. **Entrance into the Society of Jesus:** At the age of 40, Alfonso entered the Society of Jesus as a lay brother. After a six-month novitiate, he became the doorkeeper at the Jesuit College of Mount Zion on the Island of Palma de Majorca.

5. **Humble Service:** Alfonso served as the doorkeeper for 45 years. Despite his humble position, his saintly behavior and wisdom attracted numerous people seeking his spiritual advice.

6. **Gift for Spiritual Conversation:** He possessed a special gift for spiritual conversation, and his superior affirmed that no spiritual treatise produced as much spiritual good as contact with him. He became known as the Doctor of Majorca.

7. **Contemplation of God's Grandeur:** Alfonso contemplated the grandeur of God, recognizing the insignificance of human existence without God. His deep sense of God's greatness led to his repentance and desire to know more about God.

8. **Ecstatic Experience:** In the last three days of his life, after his final Communion, St. Alfonso remained in ecstasy, experiencing overwhelming happiness and joy.

9. **Death and Canonization:** He died on October 31, 1617. Witnesses decided to have a faithful picture of him drawn due to the profound joy evident on his face during his last days.

Let us ask St. Alfonso Rodriguez to help us follow his example of humility, his sense of the grandeur of God, and his fruitful conversations.

St. Alfonso Rodriguez, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Tuesday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour,

Also – at 30 past the hour, Situational Awarness and prepare for the worst hope for the best Doug Barry

Oh Yeah – at 45 past the hour,

Plus – in the next hour, Adam Blai is on from The Spirit World

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

My grandfather’s cancer.

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