Trooper 3 shows suspect who was pointing a laser at the police helicopter is arrested

11 months ago

Trooper 3 was on patrol over the city of Detroit and had a suspect in a top hat and pea coat was pointing a laser at them.

Trooper 3 continued to have a laser pointed at them while troopers responded to the scene. Troopers observed a green laser pointing at the ground as they pulled up and a male wearing a top hat and jacket walking on the sidewalk, and he was detained

The suspect had a laser in his possession. The 52-year-old male from Willis, MI was arrested and lodged at the Detroit Detention Center pending prosecutor review.

F/Lt Mike Shaw stated, “It’s not often we see suspects walking around in top hats, but it did make him easy to identify. We can’t stress enough how dangerous it is to point lasers at any aircraft. We will continue to track down those who do this in order to keep our pilots safe.”

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