Mario 85' (PC Port) Playable MX

1 year ago

Disclaimer: This game will have bright and random flashing lights. If you suffer from epilepsy or any other kind of seizure conditions DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEO!!!!!
Viewer Discretion is advised

Streamed on 10/29/23 on Twitch.TV
#October #Scarygames #EXEgames

Game 30

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It's sad that the original Mario 85' isn't available at this time, but a big thank you to NotSoDevy for this game. I had a blast just moeing through all those blocks as Mario MX. Also thank you to Taco Games for the original concepts of Mario MX and adding another character to the Creepypasta/EXE universe. The game and creators links will be in the description below. I hope you enjoyed the video and hopefully I'll see you in the next one. All my socials are in my linktree be sure to check them out and follow me on all platforms. Other ways to support the content are also there.

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