Think About the parallels between Israel, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11!

1 year ago

Holy Smokes

You know what’s absolutely NUTS about what Netanyahu says here?

He lists Pearl Harbor & 9/11 as examples as to why there will be no ceasefire.

Look at the parallels between Israel, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11!

1. Massive “Intelligence Failures”?

Until we learned otherwise…

2. FDR told his General Marshal to send a message to the Hawaiian and Philippine commanders to stand down.

3. The 3,000 sailors who died at Pearl Harbor justified the war they desired with Japan.

1. Massive “Intelligence Failures”?

Until we learned otherwise…

2. Vice President Cheney gave a direct order re: the plane heading to the Pentagon to not shoot it down.
— Many other examples have come to light about the CIA being involved with the SA government & the terrorists involved.

3. The 3,000 people who died at 9/11 justified the war they desired with Afghanistan.

1. Massive “Intelligence Failures”?

Now we are beginning to learn otherwise…

2. There is already evidence to suggest Israel knew and allowed the attack. Egypt warned Israel several days in advance.

3. The 5000-8,000 people who died in Isreal is now justifying the war they desire Palestine-Hamas.

What’s also IRONIC is that prior to 9/11, Rumsfeld, VP Cheney, & Bush Operatives were part of a neoconservative think tank called Project for a New American Century.

The report warned that "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor".


All of these “ catalyzing events”, these attacks…

They share the same playbook.
They are all manufactured.
They all knew…yet they did nothing.

They were all seeking the justification they needed to go to war.


9/11 & Pearl Harbor

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