How to SPOT Fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians (Part I) - A Guide

1 year ago

I encourage you to question me. But I also encourage you to question “them” too. Remember that the Dark beings are very smart. They always take over those things the people stopped or “forgot” to question a long time ago.

Do you seriously think that the ex-contactees cannot be deceived? Do you seriously think there's not at least a tiny little chance that they have been fooled? If you think so, to me that's being very naively audacious.

It's like someone told me... there is a CIA agent who explains that if you want to deceive the public, all you need to do is give them 70% of the truth. The rest is enough to subtly steer them to the "wrong direction". (Roar)

Link to the General Guide “How to Spot Fake Taygeteans & Swaruunians” in TEXT FORM: (Written by me) (Updated COMPLETE Version)

IMPORTANT: I highly recommend that you read the guide instead of just merely watching/listening to it, because ANY future updates/changes I will add them to the written guide. And there will be many because the Dark Doppelgangers are always changing their tactics & strategies with the public (already started). They have already changed some things based on the information I shared in the guide, since they are of course aware of it. So, always check out the written guide (link above) for future updates/edits because videos are not easy to change.

These 2 videos (including this one) are the most important. If you choose to watch something, watch these 2 videos (plus the next one which will be posted soon).

I have outsmarted them and I want to show to the people HOW to do it. If I can do it, you can do it too. I know exactly how they play this game. But I have declared that I’m also the freaking game maker, I’m not a pawn in their dark 5D chess boards.

Humans cannot start posting ANY information any online person claiming to be a benevolent extraterrestrial being give to them without analyzing, questioning, without deeply understanding the real intentions behind and without detecting the subtle "twists" in the information. It's time to get WISER.

0:00 Intro
8:37 The Guide (Part I)
40:52 Ending

“A seeker of Truth looks beyond the apparent and contemplates the hidden.” – Rumi

“Only Time will tell… The Unseen… Untold… TRUTH…” – Urmila Balu

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." – Arthur Schopenhauer


DISCLAIMER: What I am offering here are, again only tips & clues based on my own findings that you can use when trying to differentiate the REAL Taygeteans & Swaruunians with the FAKE Taygeteans & Swaruunians. These findings are true, but they are not absolute truths. You must detect the nuances of each situation for yourself. Each topic & clue shared cannot be taken isolated, much less out of context. You must detect a pattern. Look for patterns rather than isolated traits or events. When you detect more than 3 or 4 of these things happening, this is when you should be more alert and start suspecting. Take what I’m saying here seriously. I’m only providing the people with certain "tools" or knowledge so then they will be able to think for themselves more effectively in these situations. You make up your own mind and conclusions.


*All the images, footages and music on the Messages to Humanity YouTube channel were created by the channel owner, have the appropriate license for use, or are labeled as free for reuse.

🎵 Music by:
Name: Epic Action Trailer Drums
Composer: by Psystein from Storyblocks

Name: Endless Space
Composer: by jabameister from Storyblocks

🖥️ Stock Footage:
Stock Footage created by Cristianne from "Messages to Humanity" (Forbidden Use)
Stock Footage taken from Adobe Stock and Getty Images (iStock).

🌌 Wing Watermark
Angel Wings PNG Designed By masyhurizal from:

🌌 Butterfly
Wing PNG Designed By momo from


🔥 Alternative / Backup Channels 🔥
YouTube 2 (second account):

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