Time is up Jesus is coming to get His true bride now

1 year ago

Jesus will grab only His true followers out of this wicked world before the tribulation period begins and it will begin, WW3 is about to break out and America will be destroyed completely, America is far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and will be destroyed!! Fallen fallen is Babylon the great and will be no more, America has angered God so much that God will destroy America by Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, tsunamis, earthquakes and wripe America completely off the map, after the rapture happens the bombs will hit America all at once, Russian and Chinese soldiers will go into America and kill everyone they see and will take prisoners of war and will not be nice, NYC will be destroyed by a missle and tsunami, California, Oregon and Washington will get hit by a huge earthquake and Florida all the way to Virginia will be under water from a tsunami, Yellowstone will erupt to, God will smash America and destroy this wicked country and all the so called Christians and pastors will all be left behind!! All the wicked to, God will judge everyone left behind and will unleash His hot anger on the wicked, lukewarm phony pastors and the members to, the 7 year tribulation will be time of judgement of Israel, the antichrist rein, the false prophet and great perserction of left behind Christians who missed the rapture and follow Jesus now they will be hunted down and killed, games are over

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