Speaker Johnson Derangement Syndrome: Media Struggles With New House Leader | Ep 800

1 year ago

In this Stu Does America episode, host Stu Burguiere talks about how the mainstream media and left are bashing new House Speaker Mike Johnson with excessively negative coverage - a case of "Mike Johnson Derangement Syndrome." CBN's Dan Andros then joins to chat about what's happening lately in the Israel-Hamas conflict and Middle East foreign policy. Stu also discusses a new Iowa poll with promising news for Donald Trump's potential 2024 presidential run. For viewers interested in U.S. politics, media bias, and Speaker of the House updates, this video provides insightful commentary on Speaker Johnson's treatment by the media, Middle East policy issues, and Trump's 2024 election prospects.

0:00 Media's coverage of Israel and debt commission.
5:00 Christianity and politics in the US.
8:37 Election lawsuit and media misinformation.
13:11 Mike Johnson's religious views and political stances.
18:18 Political issues and strategies.
25:11 Israel's military operation in Gaza and US involvement.
30:05 Anti-Semitism, media bias, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
35:15 Media responsibility and fact-checking.
39:35 Politics, healthcare, and polls.


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